Thursday 4 April 2013

Regular Pool Maintenance is Necessary to Prevent Algae

Algae is the most common problem in the swimming pool water and almost all pool owners will face it at one time. You might be wondering how to clean pool and remove algae from it. Algae comes in an extensive range of colours and forms which make it adaptable for almost any condition. Green algae is the most common and is commonly stick to the base and the walls of pool which can create health problems.

Regular pool maintenance is necessary to prevent as well as remove algae from the water. To kill algae and bacteria, many people use chlorine for pool. Though it is effective to remove algae, it also affects the alkalinity, clarity and the pH of the water. To fix and manage the side effects of the chlorine, you will need to add some other chemicals in it.

Rather than using chlorine for pool to remove algae, you can use Algi Block to kill algae. It is as effective as chlorine. When you use it for pool maintenance, far less chlorine is required and so far less other chemicals are needed to maintain side effects of chlorine. As well, you don’t require chlorine at all in the winter.

Swimming pool maintenance is not only limited to occasionally vacuuming it to remove leaves and dust. Pool vacuum cleaner only helps to remove dirt and debris from the pool very easily. These days, inground pool cleaners are also available in the market to clean the bottom part of the pool.

Monday 18 March 2013

Hire Professional Pool Cleaner for Swimming pool maintenance

A swimming pool in the house enhances the aesthetic value of home. However, to enjoy fresh and clean water in the pool, regular swimming pool maintenance is necessary. As an owner, you must have essential information about how to maintain clean pool and avoid algae in pool. As well, you have knowledge about proper techniques by which you can maintain pools in their top form. Pool cleaner is a must have and worth the investment to keep water clean and safe for the family. It may be automated or manual.

Many pool owners exert their money and effort for the swimming pool maintenance. They don’t actually mind the extra expenditure by having a pool. You may be wondering how to clean pool and remove algae in pool. You can take help of professional pool cleaner as they have knowledge on how to take care of various pool supplies. 

For the proper swimming pool maintenance, you should maintain the right pH levels and chemical balance to prevent the growth of bacteria and algae in pool. To eliminate the floating particles from the pool water daily, you can carry out vacuuming and skimming. Vacuuming is very helpful to remove the dirt and debris that has sunk at the bottom of pool.

These days, many residential pool owners make use of pool chemicals as pool cleaner to keep their water clean. Too less or too much use of these chemicals can both create dangers for you and your family. So, it is best to hire professional pool cleaners who have enough knowledge about it.

Friday 8 February 2013

Choosing the Best Swimming Pool Cleaner for Algae in Pool

It is very hard to prevent developing algae in pool. These are in fact plants which consist of only one cell. It becomes a problem when these cells form a colony and water will turn into an ugly green colour. Nobody desires to keep those ugly algae from developing into the water systems. Pool cleaners like algi block play an important role in removing algae from pool, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, and water tanks.

With the proper tools and pool cleaners, maintaining of a pool is very simple. You will require a filter system, skimmer, vacuum, pump, and chemicals like algi block. It is very essential to have a good circulation system so that chemicals you to clean the algae in pool can spread easily throughout the entire pool. It also helps to filter out dirt and debris from water.

If water is sitting for too long in the pool, it will accumulate algae in pool. Just by adding some basic chemicals, you can prevent this. While handling chlorine or other chemical, you should be careful as it can cause injury to yourself. Always read pool cleaner manufactures' instructions about how to safely use chemicals in your pool. 

It is also essential to check the chlorine level frequently so that you can keep your pool clean forever. To maintain the proper level of it, you can also contact manufacturer. With algi block, you can maintain the pH level of water in pool. This is only required once at every six months. By using this for algae in pool, you only have to add the small amount of chlorine for sanitising.

Monday 21 January 2013

Chlorine for Pool to Maintain Cleanliness

A swimming pool in the house sounds like a whole lot of fun, especially when you think of hours of swimming. To get more fun, it is essential to keep the pool water clean and safe for you and your family to swim in. There is certain regular pool care which requires to be carried out as far the swimming pool is concerned. There is no real danger to carry out this; if you have time and energy, you can also carry out this. In order to make sure that the pool contains clean water, you should concentrate on using anti algae chemical and chlorine for pool to maintain the chemical balance and remove the foreign particles and debris from it.

Daily pool care involves water surface cleaning. A lot of dust gets floated on the water surface if you have an open pool. Ensure that your pool is sparkling clean if you have kids using it. The second most important thing is to check pH level. Alkalinity or acidic water can lead to damage to the equipments as well as swimmers. Dosing of chlorine for pool is also an essential activity as it helps to prevent formation of algae, micro organisms from breeding and also helps to disinfect water. In any swimming pool, a perfect water circulation and filtration system is an absolute requirement. Ensure to clean the filters on a daily basis and also make sure that the pumps are working in proper condition.

Getting rid of the dirt

Dirt in the pool affects the pH balance as well as giving an unpleasant look to it. That’s why; it becomes necessary to remove all the dirt and debris from pool at first with your regular pool care program. You can use a skimmer basket or net for this purpose. Besides this, constantly check for the algae symptoms.

Maintaining the ideal pH levels

The pH level in the pool must be between 7.2 and 7.8. Too high pH level indicates the alkalinity. This means you have to add muriatic acid or sodium bisulphate to lower it. Once you have added such chemicals, the water needs to be stabilised for 2 to 3 days. You can use alkaline and anti algae chemicals in only small amounts. Alkaline chemicals should be used approximately 2 pounds in 10,000 gallons of water. Prior to adding any more, you should allow it to circulate for 3 to 4 hours.

Besides the daily pool care, some weekly schedules also need to be considered to make sure that you and your family members are utilising a healthy pool. You can make use of metal out chemicals and clarifiers in proper dosages to combat metal infested and cloudy water. When you use chlorine for water, some chlorine compounds get suspended in it; you can break down them by shocking pool water. Prevent algae formation by adding anti algae chemicals. Contaminated pool water can be very hazardous to the users and the house. So, a pool owner should also consider a professional Pool cleaner agency to carry out monthly inspection for checking hygiene standards and water quality.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

First Treat the Cause and then Work Towards to Eliminate Pool Algae

Do you love swimming? You might even have a swimming pool in your backyard, right? If you love having a great time with your kids, then swimming would be a great choice. Every child loves to play in the water and every adult like swimming as it can be even good for physical fitness. Having swimming pool in your residential surrounding can be considered as one of the best luxuries one could afford in their life. It would be a great decision favoured by kids as they would go crazy behind splashing water in the sparkling pool with their friends and siblings. However, it would be also essential to keep the pool water clean and clear from algae attack. Algae in pool are common troubling problem faced by many pool owners. This greenish slime would make the water look cloudy and ugly, thereby taking away the fun of your favourite outdoor entertainment. If you are thinking about the methods to eliminate pool algae and retain clear pool water, then read on the article.

There are several methods used to eliminate pool algae, however you should know why they appear on your pool sides. For better results and clear pool water, it would be effective to treat the root cause so that you can prevent its growth. Divided into three types, green, black and yellow are three types of pool algae that build up on the sides. It occurs because of disproportionate chlorine, pH, alkalinity and calcium levels. Chlorine level of pool water should be in a safe range of 1 to 3 ppm, pH level 7.2 to 7.6, alkalinity 80 to 120 ppm and calcium hardness from 200 to 350. Whenever there is a deviation from these standard levels, it would induce the growth of algae in pool. Additionally if there are any shady areas, means stagnant water, it would also lead to this disgusting greenish problem.Typically green algae grow in sides, black in small slits and yellow in floor which looks like dirt. If you need to eliminate pool algae, then you have to bring back the chlorine and pH levels for clear pool.

Brush the sides of the pool as you start the process of removing algae in pool. It should be done hardly enough to break up that organic matter. Soon after brushing, it is time to run a chlorine shock treatment to eliminate pool algae. The shock should be given in a heavy manner with highly concentrated chlorine so that the chlorine level gets elevated. Higher chlorine level in water means, organic things can’t survive further. So it would break the algae through chemical power and thereby making pool clear from green patches. Don’t think that your work is completed after the chlorine shock treatment. You have to apply algaecide so it would prevent the growth of algae in pool for a specific time period. Sanitizing products like algaestats can hold back the growth of organic things. Get rid of the green icky stuff and let your pool look crystal clear.

I write this article about swimming pool chemicals and supply. Swimming pool cleaner and chemicals by Magic Pools is the perfect solution for Algae in the pool.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Tips for How to Clean Pool and Kill Algae in Pool

Building a small area to swim is quite easier but maintaining it properly is little bit difficult. Before taking a dip during those hot summer days, one needs to ensure that the water is clean. If there are algae in pool or is not cleaned properly, it may cause skin allergies. If anyone is wondering how to clean pool, continue reading. Now cleaning it is much easier with swimming pool cleaner.

If the proper maintenance is neglected for a short period of time, the owner might have to pay large amount of money to make it clean. Many people use chlorine to kill algae in pool but it affects the alkalinity and the clarity of water. So, it’s better to use proper cleaners like Magic Pools’ Algibloc. Want to get detailed clear idea regarding how to clean pool with Algibloc?

The best chemical to kill algae is chlorine for pool, but it greatly affects the pH water balance. So, one has to add other chemicals for fixing the side effects of chlorine. With Algibloc, one hardly needs to run filter in summer days to maintain cleanliness. Its maintenance is only required to remove dust and leaves.

Having swimming pool cleaners is a necessity, especially if individuals have children at home. They love to play in a clear pool and if one does not clean it properly, kids may get rashes or skin allergies. So buy these chemicals today to enjoy summer fully. Browse through the exclusive variety of pool chemicals for clear pool maintenance at

Wednesday 26 September 2012

How to remove Algae using Pool Cleaning Chemicals

Algi Bloc

Algae are one of the most common swimming pool problems for pool owners. It may appear as a greenish growth on the walls and floor of the swimming pool, a greenish tint or greenish material suspended in the pool water. At severity, they tend to form blooms which can climb up to the decks. Generally, you will notice a slippery feel to the surfaces of it where algae are present. So, pool cleaning chemicals are necessary to maintain the cleanliness of water. These highly significant algae chemicals are commonly referred as algaecide. There are many algae chemicals available which can help you to keep the pool clean. 

In the daily life of every pool owner, algae chemicals for pool are necessary. Their application should be done on weekly basis for successful results. Most of people prefer to use chlorine as a chemical for algae. Though it is a great cleanser, you need some more algaecides like sodium hypochlorite, bromine, enzymes, clarifiers, acids and water balancers. These all chemicals have their own particular role in maintaining the pool’s cleanliness and contamination, which means that everyone should spend some money on them.

Almost everyone would like to reduce pool cleaning costs, dollars spent on cleaning products and time spent on its maintenance. So, they use a heavy dose of chlorine or bromine to kill algae. However, it affects the pH level, alkalinity and clarity. To attain the desired water quality, it becomes essential to maintain the pH balance of water as per standards. Pool cleaning chemicals which maintain the water's pH level include alkaline increasers and pH increasers, reducers, and stabilizers. Some of them also increase the hardness level of water. To remove side effects of the chlorine, people should use other products that can help them in overall maintenance.

Quaternary ammonium compounds are the cheapest algaecide in the market which usually used in 5% to 10% concentration. These algae chemicals provide preventive action against growth. Avoid using them in excessive amount as they might cause foaming in the water. This kind of chemical for algae is only effective on green algae. Nowadays, copper based products are deemed to be the most effective among all pool cleaning chemicals. Only one dose of such products will protect your pool for approximately 6 months. Due to their highly effectiveness, they are used in lagoons and lakes to kill advanced forms of algae. The one and only drawback of them is that they deposit stain formation in water. 

Just like any other chemicals, owner has to be very careful in handling algaecide to avoid any danger to the swimmer and pool equipment. When you are using more than one chemical for algae in pool, a subtle balance between them is required. If you are not familiar with using such kinds of products, it is always best to consult an expert. Ensuring that you have all the essential swimming baths supplies and chemicals is vital for maintaining your pool. Make sure that it is a source of endless fun by maintaining its cleanness properly.